Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Week 4 EOC - Making a Smartphone App

I personally don’t use smartphone apps and think that they are a complete waste of time. The internet can give you pretty much all the same things that a smartphone app can, except for games from Facebook that everyone and their mother are literally playing. Since I have to come up with an idea for a smartphone application anyways, and ignoring the fact that I would never take a job requiring me to make or market said apps, I would probably come up with an application that involved something useful and ready to have for select individuals who had very specific needs. I would personally make an application for tips and tricks to deal with mental health issues in any situation that people could take with them to remind themselves how to process and deal with the issues at hand that they deal with on a daily basis due to their mental health problems. I would include some of the most common diagnoses along with some of the more rare ones, but all ones that would fit within the parameters of a mental illness that would allow a person to still function within society who may not have access to constant mental health care and help on a consistent basis depending on their personal situations. The app would not only include a medical staffs professional input into what to do for varying situations based off of your mental disorder diagnosis, but would also include various quotes from people who had the disorder and have been considered to successfully handle it in their own ways through the proof of published books, blogs, etc. I would also set up a contact form and include all of the various information about helpful resources including numbers to the free help hotlines for suicide prevention for extreme circumstances. However, most people with mental illnesses know how to find websites with all this information already posted from national and international government agencies, and I still don’t see a point in needlessly recreating the wheel.

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